Entering the Blogosphere

I always had trepidations about entering the blogosphere.  Facebook conveniently covers all the mundane happenings of my personal life and I have no self-aggrandizing accomplishments worth reading about.  Unless, of course,  you want to be horrified by the description of the birth of my daughter.  After some careful consideration over the past few years here is my short list of blog ideas:

1. Some sort of book review blog
2. A blog of rants
3. A blog of plots
4. Food...can I blog about how much I like food?
5. Dolphins are cool

Problems.  Number one wouldn't work because it would feel too much like writing a book report and then I would procrastinate and then I would never post anything.  Besides which, anything I did post would probably come across as sounding pretentious as I try to incorporate some sort of post-modernist Lacanian interpretation of Harry Potter.  Number two and three would probably work but might garner some raised eyebrows and a prestigious position on the "Potentially Dangerous" list.  So it all came down to number 4 with a bullet: food, glorious food.  Should I recount the time I ate so much I threw-up?  Probably not.  How about my attempt at making homemade Hollandaise sauce (AKA clumpy egg butter)?  I came to the conclusion that it is not strictly food that I love, it is having someone else make it for me and enjoying it with friends that I love.  And thus came the idea for a dinner club.  (Number 5 is still an obvious choice--look out for the future "Life as a Dolphin" blog.)

On January  19th, 2011, I founded the Friday Night Dinner Club whereby food enthusiasts  meet once a month at locally owned restaurants to hopefully enjoy a nice meal with friends and then later rate and review the dining experience. Any dining establishment may be suggested as long as it is not a franchised establishment (i.e. The Keg).  Sounds fun, right?  I should think of a less obvious name for it...


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